Release Date: 5 December, 2011
The Lonely Man

The lonely man computes the price of airport parking in his travel finance. The lonely man acts before a promise.
The lonely man sits dreamless in hotel rooms when friends offer solace in a luxurious home. The lonely man turns off his phone.
The lonely man can never yammer. The lonely man wears pyjamas.
The lonely man wakes up in a lonely business suit. The lonely man can shoot.
The lonely man allows beautiful women to roam free. The lonely man plants a tree.
The lonely man does not interfere with the confused The lonely man is bruised.
The lonely man expresses not opinions on justice The lonely man eats Dijon mustard
The lonely man does not wait to die before preparing his casket And in the epicentre of his dinner table lies a fresh fruit basket.
The lonely man is never lonely And he never makes instant macaroni.
The lonely man can cook. The lonely man writes books.
The lonely man embraces the entire world The lonely man takes showers cold.
The lonely man sits the dance out even though he is a master of Tango The lonely man digs Django.
The lonely man has many brothers Though as lonely is no other.
The lonely man is only tired from work he benefits from The lonely man leaves behind bread crumbs
The lonely man’s social needs are overcome Yet in a party he is a whole lot of fun.
The lonely man sits in the park bench somewhere Even now he’s there.